Welcome to our website

Our website is currently under construction. It takes us some time to have it fully functional, as it is a job being done with volunteer hours/time. Please stay tunned, once our website is complete, we will have courses, chat, a digital library, objects in our collection, and much more!

Nuestro sitio web se encuentra actualmente en proceso de rediseño. Por favor, mantengase pendiente, cuando nuestro nuevo sitio este listo, usted tendra accesso a cursos de historia, chats, biblioteca digital, exposicion virtual de objetos de nuestro museo, y mucho mas!

Thank you!


Our goal .....


Galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining.


Recent Articles:

We are currently asking / requesting your support with DONATIONS that will be used to finish up our site, register our organization as an Authorized Institute  with the Florida Department of Education - Commission for Independent Education to be able to teach Diploma Programs (History - Politics) via online / in-person to youg adults / adults.

Please follow the link to access get more information on how to donate and how to help us, it is not always money what makes a difference.

*There are gifts depending on different donations amounts, as an incentive and a THANK YOU for your help and support.



Oct 20, 2022 New Book Published! We are happy to announce that in colaboration with the "Asociacion para la Investigacion y Difusion de la Historia Naval de Cuba" we have published this book.

U-176 Project Report - Search and Location of a World War II Submarine

Available at Amazon.com


Copyright © 2022-2024 U-176 Museum-Institute for War Studies Inc. All Rights Reserved.